Mizzle offers you all of their web designer professionals combined knowledge and experience, to provide you with the information you need to successfully plan, create, maintain and expose your Website project.

Just relax now that you have reached the right place to get the best solution. Mizzle’s Template Design service is all you need. It is necessary to have a identical design through the entire website that showcases your company theme to stick your brand into the minds of potential clients
At Mizzle We study about your business area and help you choose the right paid marketing service. We do everything from starting up with a paid marketing account, audit your account and manage your paid adds.
Web applications have become even more popular of late. The major advantage of having a web application are its easy of use, accessibility and platform independence. A web application can be accessed from any part of the world using any device that have web browser installed in it.
Mizzle helps you build a brand and corporate identity that catches the attention of your customers and has the power to attain their love. We understand that corporate branding is not just designing a colourful logo or an attractive website but it involves a more detailed thoughtful process.
It is important to customize the third party applications such as WordPress, Joomla, Magento etc. installed on your website to make it look exactly like your rest of the website design so that it looks like part of your website rather than a stand alone application.
Mobile Applications are becoming more popular day by day with the increasing use of smart phones and tablets. You would do well to get into the Mobile App market to provide your users the most convenient option to interact with you.
A nice looking brochure or a digitally created presentation or an eye catching logo goes a long way in attracting and boosting up a newly started business venture. There is a misconception that graphic designing is just creation of a good looking picture but it is actually a presentation of lots of messages and ideas in an attractive package.
Mizzle frequently updates its own bank of knowledge and expertize to keep up with the changing trends in information technology so that your web page can be considered among one of the most recent styles of web designing. We will be providing a questionnaire from which we collect the nature of website you would like to have.
Marketing is one of the most important aspects, if not THE most, of a successful business. Mizzle offers Marketing of the product through various mediums to target almost all potential customers with the aim of maximum profit in the business and wide spread popularity for your company that are necessary to thrive in your battle field.
Content writing is the line of work which involves the creation of relevant contents for websites. Each website is mainly targeted at a specific group of target audience and the contents in the website must be such that it is easily readable, understandable and informative to the target audience.
With the popularity of Social Media Marketing most people neglected the power of email marketing. Email marketing is still one of the main online marketing media as it has some advantages that even Social Media Marketing lacks. Email is still a powerful and personal way to stay connected with your customers.
Social Media is an excellent & inexpensive platform for brand building and showcasing the products. Social Media Marketing helps you gain viewers and thus potential clients through social network websites such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest etc.
Online Paid Marketing is the next step of Search Engine Optimization. While SEO is a must, this is recommended if you want to start on a high. Paid Marketing is mainly recommended at the time of your website launch.
Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the ranking of a website in leading search engines. SEO for a website will be effective only if you study the respective market and act intelligently.
Mizzle helps you build a brand and corporate identity that catches the attention of your customers and has the power to attain their love. We understand that corporate branding is not just designing a colourful logo or an attractive website but it involves a more detailed thoughtful process.
Have a nice looking website ready? Mizzle can host your website and emails regardless of its size, help you with any issues that may arise and monitor the performance to ensure your website and emails are working perfectly fine all the time.
Do you know 98% of spamming, phishing & attacks cases are caused by vulnerable websites?Do you know a website that contains malware will be blocked by Popular websites and might get removed from index of popular search engines?
Are you wasting precious production hours worrying about the website downtime?Are you bogged down by your website that is really slow?
Every business needs a reliable, secure and hassle free hosting service to get their crucial websites and emails work all the time. Mizzle’s premium hosting service gives you that and much more including an expert and ultra responsive support team that can work with you to ensure everything is just fine all the time.
Do you want to install a Third party application on your website? We would be happy to do it for you!.We will setup, install and configure the application the way you wanted. We will also help you in migrating an application from one server to another.
Once you have designed a beautiful website, you should keep it developed further by adding new contents periodically either in the form of a new product or service or a Blog article. That is the key for improving your online presence and keeping your customers in touch with your website.
The very first action for setting up an online venture is to find out a Domain name of your choice and registering it. Mizzle offers you valuable consultation on which of the domain name you could choose depends upon your industry, location and domain availability.
Mizzle helps you build a brand and corporate identity that catches the attention of your customers and has the power to attain their love. We understand that corporate branding is not just designing a colourful logo or an attractive website but it involves a more detailed thoughtful process.